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The first thing that starts a car is its ignition which is normally located near the lock cylinder or starter switch. Ignition is regarded as the most important part of any vehicle in the sense that your first interaction with your vehicle is only through it, but sometimes, by mischance, the car key may get stuck or snaps inside it due to any technical fault landing you in a trouble especially when you are pressed with very urgent matter or emergency. In such a situation, please contact Haji’s Locksmith  technicians who are available around the clock in many places of Minnesota.


Whether your key turns your ignition with difficulty or not at all, our experienced locksmiths can diagnose and fix your ignition cylinder problem for much less than the dealership or auto repair shop. We can rebuild or replace ignitions in almost any domestic vehicle without the need for a new key. Like all of our services, ignition repair is done at your car wherever you are and usually, is completed in less than one hour.


If your vehicle's security is at risk for whatever reason and someone has a key to your vehicle who shouldn't, we can rekey many ignitions. This will prevent anyone who doesn't have the new key from taking the vehicle. On some vehicles with transponder based systems we can achieve the same result with a simple programming procedure and no physical ignition work. If you find yourself in this situation, please call us at 612-213-5555 today.

Though all the parts of a vehicle are of great importance, the fact remains that the car ignition system is or most paramount importance since it is the first thing you interact when you enter your car. Having said that, it is observed that sometimes, while you are in a great hurry owing to some pressing matter or emergency, you may tend to use your car key tightly which may result in damage of car key inside the vehicle. Normally, ignition is located near the lock cylinder or starter engine. It is, no doubt, very sensitive part of your vehicle which need to be used carefully but sometimes there might be technical fault in the ignition. So, your car key may get stuck or break inside ignition. There might be any reason like sometimes ignition gets exhausted due to continuous usage. Anyhow, in such situation, you can call our technicians who are located at various places in Minnesota. Within half an hour, they will get to  your place and repair the lock and ignition system.